Through the window
Here’s Loyal Reader Number One on the outside looking in. Taken in the homesteader’s cabin at the Big Sur state park.
Another busy day. I spent a good part of it working on hiring some people – I have requisitions for four people right now. Several people have applied, and I need to start getting several of them in for interviews. I have phone calls scheduled with a few over the next couple of days. We really need the people now – a few of our current folks have already left and there are a couple more going in the next week or so. Busy, busy, busy.
I noticed earlier today that I failed to include any links in yesterday’s post. Such an oversight usually results in Loyal Reader complaints. Apparently, yesterday’s post was so enthralling that nobody noticed. I’ll try to do better today.
The problem, of course, is that I’m once again typing the text on the train, which still (grumble, complain, etc.) has no WiFi, so I have to cut and paste when I get home. I got a picture added yesterday but was in a hurry, so no links. I’ll probably be in a hurry again tonight, but one must take the time to do the job right. On the other hand, why start doing it right now?
Congrats to Loyal Reader Number Seven on her team’s excellent showing at the competition. Keep up the good work!
Note to Loyal Reader Number Five: my art dealer will be more than happy to discuss selection, availability, and terms. We are certain we can reach an advantageous (possibly not mutually advantageous, but advantageous nonetheless) arrangement.
I’ve been reading several of Mark Twain‘s short stories the past couple of days, compiled in a book called Sketches New and Old. Hilarious. I recommend to my Loyal Readers anything by Twain. With the possible exception of Life on the Mississippi. There’s some good stuff in there too, but it’s intended to document history, rather than to be amusing. There’s plenty of detail, though, for budding Mississippi riverboat pilots.
Recommended Twain books: Roughing It (the story of Twain’s extended trip to the western territories, during which he road stagecoaches, mined for gold, worked on mining town newspapers, and generally enjoyed himself), The Innocents Abroad (the story of Twain’s extended trip to Europe and the Holy Land, which he took for the express purpose of writing this book – his descriptions of the absurdities of travel are side-splitting), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain’s fictional tale of a runaway boy and his friend, a runaway slave), and just about every newspaper column he ever wrote. There are also some obscure works, such as Extracts From Adam’s Diary (I’ve seen two versions; the “Adam and Eve” version is best), Extract From Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, Puddinhead Wilson, and The Double-Barrelled Detective are also excellent.
We listened to an audio version of Huckleberry Finn on our way to and from Big Bear a few weeks ago. It was a free version I found on LibriVox, read by an amateur. At first, her interpretation was a little, um, amateurish, but she grew on us as the book went on. We thoroughly enjoyed the book and I’ll look for others for our next family trip.
The train’s moving unusually slowly right now. This doesn’t bode well for an on-time arrival. I’m hoping for a near-term speedup.
Somebody sitting near me is apparently eating a hot dog. With ketchup and probably mustard. Also possibly relish. It smells delicious! Which just shows how very hungry I am right now. Must . . . concentrate . . . on . . . blog.
Okay, I’m fine now. Let’s see, what else? Nothing comes to mind, so I’ll quit. Have a great rest of the day and I’ll see you tomorrow.