Wacky tree
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two striking a pose on a very strange tree. Notice that both ends are in the ground. Which is the base and which is the canopy? (Note: Dumb Old Blogger is refusing to publish pictures again. Watch this space for this fascinating picture Real Soon Now.)
Great camping trip over the weekend! We had a nice time in a beautiful (but mosquito-ridden) place. It’s ten minutes from home and like being in a completely different world. The woods are unlike anything else we’ve seen in California. The floor is covered with foliage – much of which is poison ivy and poison oak, but we managed to look without touching (“leaves of three, let it be!”). We’ll be going there again.
The Miata’s headrest speakers arrived late in the week. I got them installed on Saturday after we got home from the camping trip and while we were in the middle of putting a couple of sprinklers in a soon-to-be-sodded part of the back yard. Busy weekend. Even though the speaker installation took all of about fifteen minutes. They were a perfect replacement fit and work a whole lot better than the originals.
Congratulations to Loyal Reader Number One! He just found out he has received a four-year full-tuition scholarship from BYU. We’re really excited for him. That’s huge. I don’t think we’ve heard back yet from all the other scholarships he applied to, so there may be even more coming. This alone is plenty, though.
Sunday was the usual. LRN2 and I visited one of our two new home teaching families. We’re seeing the other one tomorrow night. Their home situation isn’t too great right now, though, so they’re coming over here. I’m looking forward to their visit.
We attended an awards ceremony for LRN1 tonight at the school building in Modesto. He got two awards and has two colored cords to wear on his gown at graduation. Big day for him. Congratulations again!
Time for bed already. See you tomorrow.