Archive for May, 2010

Bus preacher

Monday, May 17th, 2010

Here’s LRN1 on a city bus in Guatemala, preachin’. On a bus. Go unto all the world, you know. Good work, LRN1! Part of my famous Guatemala series.

Missed a day or two there at the end of last week. Sorry about that. Fortunately, nothing happened. Not much, anyway. Let’s see if we can remember anything, shall we?

Ummm . . . Thinking . . . Still thinking . . . Oh, yeah. I prepared a talk and gave it on Sunday. Went pretty well. Oh, and we also celebrated LRN4’s birthday, which was fun. LRN5 came over, brought gifts, and made some good food. We enjoyed her company. And we really enjoyed LRN12’s week-long visit. She and her mom headed for home this morning.

And I’m sure I did a whole bunch of other stuff. Just can’t remember it right now.

Anyway. It’s LRN4’s birthday today (happy birthday, LRN4!) and we’re spending our home evening activity time watching The Rocketeer, one of our favorite old (but not too old) movies. The disc is a little dirty or scratched or something, so we’re having a few problems with it, but we’re hoping to muddle through to the end. LRN2’s working on cleaning it right now. Optimism reigns.

And I’ll leave you with this tragic toilet news: watch who you shake hands with.

See you tomorrow.

Pickup rider

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Here’s LRN1 hitching a ride in the back of a pickup. That’s him in the back. I have no idea who that is in the foreground. Part of my famous Guatemala series.

Greetings from the train! Seems like a long time since I’ve written here. I’ve been working on indexing most days – a hundred names indexed and a hundred arbitrated is my normal quota. I’m at well over 5,000 total names. I’m really enjoying it – it’s kind of addictive.

Anyway. Got a few things done at work. Not enough, but I’m hoping for better productivity tomorrow. Can’t complain, though. Well, I can, but I don’t think I will right now.

Tonight’s LRN4’s book group, and it’s at our house. One of her friends is bringing her new iPad for me to play with. Don’t know why, but I’ll be happy to oblige. I’m certainly tempted by one of those things. Although I now have four laptops from which to choose – two work ones (don’t ask) and two personal machines. I’m using the worst of the lot right now – my netbook equivalent. It works fine and I’m happy with it, but it’s not an iPad. Maybe if we hadn’t just bought a new car. Maybe next year. Maybe when the early adopters have all gotten theirs and the prices come way down. We’ll see. In the meantime, I’ll be happy to play with LRN4’s friend’s machine.

I’ve rediscovered James Lileks’s daily blog and website. I’ve enjoyed his work for quite some time, but his blog – The Bleat – had gotten a bit tiresome a year ago or so. I’m delighted to report that it’s interesting again. Highly recommended. He even produced a Diner podcast in the last week or so, which I’ve always enjoyed. They’re amusing and always feature some very strange old music. The only problem is that he’s only producing them every few months at best – not nearly frequently enough for my needs.

Not much else to report today, so I’ll leave you with this shocking food violence news: pizza brawl!

See you tomorrow.

Arts patron

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Here’s LRN4 during intermission at Friday night’s Shakespeare performance. We went to see if the line was short enough to buy a cup of hot chocolate. It wasn’t. That’s the stage in the background. Further description below. Great Art courtesy of the famous iPhone-cam, which doesn’t really do all that well at night in terms of actual photo quality. I just claim to be going for that soft-focus look and everybody’s happy.

Missed a couple of days again. Got busy.

Had a pleasant weekend. It was Mother’s Day, of course, and we had LRN5 and LRN12 over on Sunday. LRN12 stayed, because her other grandma came yesterday and is staying through Thursday. We’re having a nice time together, and LRN12 is delighted to have two grandmas to play with. And be spoiled by.

Our Guest Grandma took us out for dinner tonight. I had Massive Meeting Tuesday to go to, so we went to our current favorite hamburger joint – Athens Burger. I usually have the pastrami burger there, but I changed things up and went for the avocado burger. It was good, but I think I’ll switch back to my old favorite next time.

We enjoyed the Shakespeare performance on Friday, as mentioned above. It was A Midsummer Night’s Dream, as predicted last week. It was absolutely free, and worth at least every cent of that. We had a good time, the weather was nice if a bit brisk for outdoor theater, and the play was entertaining. We were glad we didn’t pay a whole lot of money, but we were well entertained. At half-time intermission, they got out a bunch of plastic buckets and begged for money. We gave them a few bucks, but we’re considering bringing our own bucket to next year’s performance – might be able to turn a handy profit on it, as long as people can’t distinguish our bucket from all the others. Of course, there’s the nagging little honesty issue to deal with.

I’ll end today with this exciting job opportunity for my Loyal Readers: car-slowing angel. Who says there’s no work out there?

See you tomorrow.

Mini Rushmore

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

Here’s a miniature version of Mount Rushmore somewhere in GreatAmerica. Why? Heaven only knows. But it’s there. Part of my famous Statue series.

Another pretty day, although not quite as warm as yesterday, which wasn’t quite as warm as the day before. No problem, though. It was comfortable, and it’ll be plenty warm plenty soon, as LRN4 pointed out to me today.

Worked 10 hours again. Accomplished a little, but not enough. There’s always tomorrow!

Pretty much worked, ate, and commuted. So there’s nothing to talk about today, I suppose. Therefore, I’ll leave you with this heartwarming driving story: try, try again.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Here’s LRN1’s kitchen in his place in Guatemala. Looks a bit . . . rustic. Especially that propane tank. At least the dishes are clean – way to go, LRN1! Part of my famous Guatemala series.

Worked a bit a long day today, partially making up for staying home yesterday afternoon after picking LRN4 up at the airport. I don’t regret that at all, and it wasn’t bad staying an extra hour today. I think I’ll do it again tomorrow, in fact.

LRN4 heard today about a free performance of . . . umm . . . one of Shakespeare’s comedy’s. Maybe it’s As You Like It. Or maybe A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Yeah, I think that’s it. Maybe. In any case, it’s showing for free in Turlock the rest of this week. We think we’ll be going on Friday evening. I’m looking forward to it.

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as a virtual machine here on my beloved Mac Mini. It looks really nice and seems to work great. I’ve been thinking of installing it on one of my laptops, at least as a dual-boot option, so I can use it on the train for development. The train is getting to be a busy place for me, what with working for an hour every morning and doing 200 indexing names every afternoon. Plus, I really don’t want to have to carry three laptops with me every day. Really. But I want to start doing a bit of development, and Linux is probably a good option for some of the things I’m interested in doing – compilers and simulators and such things. Although Windows is also an option, sadly. Can’t do Mac or iPhone development because I don’t have a Mac laptop. Just as well, I suppose – I don’t want to have to carry four laptops every day either.

Anyway. It’s late and I need to hit the sheets. I’ll leave you with this shocking food violence news: mozzarella caprese threat!

See you tomorrow.